|ASAP光学设计软件|SOLIDWORKS 三维建模设计软件|RP Fiber Power仿真设计软件|武汉墨光科技有限公司
The update to version 15.89 incorporates the following changes:
1.Many new features have been added to deal with hyperhemispherical surfaces. The program senses if a ray intercept occurs past the hemisphere point of a spherical surface, and all the drawing programs (except SOLID) render the shape correctly. And RSOLID can fill in for SOLID. The edge control monitor AEC now finds the separation based on real ray intercepts, rather than sag differences, for this shape. Edges are drawn according to the SEDGE protocol, since none of the other edge-definition options make sense with this kind of surface. And a new ray aberration, RSLOPE, can be used to steer a design away from a hyper surface, in cases when they are better avoided.
2.The CFREE directive, which frees all hard clear aperture data, now leaves alone any CAO assigned to the stop surface if the lens has been assigned the wide-angle pupils WAP 2 or 3. Those options require a real stop.
Bugs Fixed:
1.The color weights were not written to the ZMTF plot correctly
2.If you ran DSEARCH while the WorkSheet was open, the program failed to load the MACro DSEARCH_OPT.MAC when it was finished.
3.The utilities menu MUT showed incorrect input parameters for the WGT command.
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